Saturday, August 20, 2011

I guess there is always using ping to mass post like this. To bad there is not a driod app >.<

Monday, August 8, 2011

Week 63 (+45) Been a while again


-Sixty-three is Ascii for question mark: '?'
-The number of chromosomes found in the offspring of a donkey and a horse.

Been a large handful of days since I've been back to update or anything on my LJ.

Had to change the sibling road trip (SRT) for this year. /sadpanda Instead of Oregon and the beach and the Wildlife park it is going to be Bear Lake with swimming and a cookout and smores. Also a couple friends on FB suggested Minnitonka Caves. Sounds fun and I think that Paul 'n Rach will like it. I know that we are all excited for Bear Lake later this month.

But mark my word we will make it to the Oregon trip this next year or sometime in the near future. It will happen! lol. Sounds to fun to skip and was planned out and all things it was green light and good to go. Only problem was that we could not get all four of our free days to line up for it thanks to John's section head yanking his vacations days. >.> Arse...

Other then that its just been the norm with School prep, work adult crap and life in general.

I've also been really excited for Craig and his new life adventures. Dropped him a house warming gift and I have another planned. I think it is a very exciting time in his life right now even with it being hectic.

Anyway while out and running errands I was listening to Pandora on my Droid phone and found a shit-ton of new bands that are awesome that I want to explore some more!

All these bands have that awesome Celtic folk/rock sound to them that I love in the band "Enter The Haggis" (ETH). Honestly I'm still on the fence about Flogging Molly. I grabbed a CD of theirs' after hearing a song on x96 and was kinda disappointed by it compared to ETH. I mean I love Scot-Irish traditional music like bagpipes, drums and flutes and I love celtic-alt/rock but their music just did not seem to click with me. I've tried letting it grow on me like I have had to with other CDs, even CDs from my fav bands. No such luck. :/ Oh well some of their songs are good.

Bands from the Dropkick Murphy station:
-Dropkick Murphy (yes I need to still look into them)
-Blaggards (kinda like Celtic-rock with sea shanties really neat)
-The Pogues
-The Real McKenzies
-The Tossers (I'll have to double check if this is the same group)
-The Young Dubliners
-The Briggs
-Gaelic Storm (They are the same band that was the 3rd class band in Titanic)
-Great Big Sea
-The Bollox

I really should use Pandora more often. I mean it has been how long since Craig told me about it? more then 3 years I think. I dunno but a long time and John uses it ALL THE TIME... In the car while running around. Want to listen to one of the many CDS in the car? Nope Pandora. lol.

By the way my Pandora username is my hotmail right now but if I can I'll change it to my gmail. Just if you are interested in my channels. *shrugs*

Anyway just a tiny update and more rantage then update. Oh well.

laters my interweb peeps

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Its that time of year again. Oi... lol

Just pasting my wall post from FB here 'cuz it says it all.

Just finished up all the lil details that *I* need to do for the SR this year and I'm not to surprised at the end product. I'm leaving the gas figures to John. As I was sitting here knee deep in mapquest, hotel addresses, room prices and dates, John who is on the couch playing WoW says that I'm great at this planing stuff and could do it for a living. Thx for saying so John but ummm no thx. It is as Ina said last time (or the time before I can't tell) my mother bird phase in the trip and doings. If I don't then it will never get done lol. Now just to wait for it to get close so I can go into panic mood and start doing the packing (or should I say bugging them to get packed) and entertainment and food ready. *sigh* more planing.

Friday, May 20, 2011



.....err maybe not. :/

Friday, May 6, 2011

I wonder what this is?

Hmm this looks interesting. ;D

title or description

Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Haters are like crickets. They make a lot of noise; you hear it, but you can't see them. Then right when you walk by them, they’re quiet." lol

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

NERDSCAPE for Kevin Hearne's Contest

Current Music:
Final Boss - MC Frontalot
Kevin Hearne is having a contest over at his blog for a signed copy of his first book Hounded.

You can either do a Nerdscape (It’s a digital photo of 1) a book 2) an action figure and 3) junk food) or a Beerscape (beer and food).

title or description

In my Nerdscape we see Kimahri playing World of Warcraft as his guild's GM (not to be mistaken for the other
GM). His guild is named
Bad Wolf. Out front of his laptop is a cope of
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers on DVD and a copy of The Sword of Truth: Faith of the Fallen. Why those two? Well The Two Tower's Battle of Helm's Deep (Battle of the Hornburg) is one of my favorites and Kahlan is just phenomenal at pulling her soldier's asses out of the fire. Great inspiration for a GM leading a raid in WoW. Off to the side my stuffed Jackalope from the birthplace of the Jackalope myth (Douglas, Wyoming) is rocking out to MC Frontalots' song "Last Boss" (MC Frontalot is the godfather of Nerdcore Hip Hop) getting himself pumped up for downing the bosses in the WoW raid.

This Youtube copy seems like a bad copy >.> seriously check out his stuff it is great.

Behind Kimahri on the 'wall' are two maps. One is a map of Middle-earth with the Eye of Sauron drawn on it. The other one is a map of The Midlands from SoT with a X on the Old World. There is also a fan made poster for Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series) and one for Dumbledore's Army based on the Uncle Sam poster. On the laptop there are two stickers. One is Calvin and Hobbes spoof of Han Solo and Chewie on a mini Millennium Falcon and a spoof on the USPS logo with a Owl Post of Hogwarts.

Sadly I did not include a solid junk food but, if you are a geek/nerd/gamer I think you will agree that you gulp, glug and bleed Mt. Dew.

I think I over did it a lil and yet missed the solid food part. lol When I think nerd food I think what all WoW players joke about which is Mt. Dew and Hotpockets and since I had no Hotpockets ready to use I just used the Mt. Dew. I honestly had a blast with this and it was way fun. Winning would be beyond Uberly awesome but this was fun none the less. And yes I did over do the links in the post but that is for the people that don't quiet get all the things in the pic.

Either way I'm excited to grab a copy of Hounded when it comes out. :D

Monday, April 25, 2011

Low the rumble of thunder and the smell of rain in the air.

Week 60 (+31) Dresses, rings, recptions and other girly thoughts POVs etc.

Current Music:
All The Right Moves - OneRepublic
-In time, the number of seconds in a minute, and the number of minutes in an hour. (a legacy of the Babylonian number system)
-The number of miles per hour an automobile accelerates to from rest (0-60) as one of the standard measurements of performance
-In the Bible, the number 60 occurs several times, for example as the age of Isaac when Jacob and Esau were born, and the number of warriors escorting King Solomon.
-In the laws of kashrut of Judaism, 60 is also the proportion (60:1) of kosher to non-kosher ingredients which can render an admixture kosher post-facto.
-In darts, 60 (treble-twenty) is the highest score which can be achieved with a single dart.

Since John used part of his tax return to get a PS3 we now how a semi 'cable' like TV thing going on. Since you can use it to watch Netflix on your TV you don't have to be glued to a computer/laptop to watch all the on demand/instant view movies and TV/cable shows (It also get the Stars shows :D). So while I'm going about things like sewing John's pants or cleaning up or even getting up and ready for the day/ getting ready for night I have it on going in the background.

Anyway as of late I've been watching "Say yes to the Dress". I don't know why I started watching it but it is kinda interesting to watch. It reminded me of this show that was one the crap cable at the motel when we went to SD on our road trip last year. And as you all know I'm not a girly-girl so it kinda is out of sorts for me. Anyway John sees that I'm watching it and is getting on my case about it and how it is so dumb and blah-blah-blah. This in itself is not unlike John since he hates almost everything and defiantly whatever you (the universal you in this case meaning you, me and everyone lol) like/are doing/watching/have any interest in no matter how intense or passing it is. That is just John for you. Anyway about John I digress. So it is neat how they are not pressuring the people like a used car sales man. I also like seeing each persons view of the perfect dress is and what looks best on them. I also think that I decided to watch it since Rach was talking about how she would love to have her wedding reception at this mansion up in the aves. And after looking at it I can say that I like it as well.

Anyway as you can tell when to young women get together talk can and does turn to the matters of life. Higher education, GUYS and wedded life (etc.). It really surprises me when Rach and me sit down and shoot the shit. The things we talk about and the things we have in common. I mean there is almost a ten year difference and I'm a tom-boy and she is much more a girly-girl then I will ever be.

Things that we agree on is what is the point of a huge wedding reception for other people when you could just have a simple one and spend the money on a nicer/longer honeymoon? Though with her liking the mansion up in the aves that might change lol. Also why would you and your man stand for hours on end for the procession to come by and shake your hands when you are just going to end up with sore feet? Also why sink such a HUGE amount into your dress when you are just going to wear it once and then just put it in a box/trunk and never wear again and no your daughter is not going to want to wear it. She'll want her own and who can blame her. I mean you do right so duh! That was another thing that surprised me about the show. Some really nice dresses can be had for less then $2,500. That is not a ton of money for a dress. Hell even $1,800 got some gorgeous dresses. And remember this is at Kleinfeld Bridal in NYC that are designer made/name brand so those are REALLY good prices. I bet locally you can get similar dresses no matter where you live at those prices and below.

I also like how they showed brides in all shapes and sizes and all kinds of walks of life. From the Barbie type to BBW. From Rich as hell to not so much. I mean most of the dresses and brides shopping for them ranges from 5k down to 1.8k. I like the episode with the not quiet plus size biker chick with tattoos one which was a full sleeve of tats. They knew the kind of thing she would want to do and they always work within those lines not trying to make their views of the bride or the ideal thing happen only what she wants. Like a dress that showed her tats and yet looked wonderful as well. Very interesting show and look into different people's minds when it comes to this subject.

I think it is funny how John freaked out on me over this. First off is it really that weird that I as a 20 something chick would want to watch something like this? No matter if you are a tom-boy or a pretty princess at certain times all women seem to become interested in this kind of stuff. So why not me? And while all the guilt over it. I mean :P at him. I can dream and plan just as much as a thin chick that is all sugar and spice and pink glittery barf. It gave me a look into what kind of dresses are out there since I'm not one of those girls that has been dreaming about the perfect wedding since I was like six.

Personally I want a simple dress and a small simple reception that is not held at the church gym in a month that is not summer. I like either spring or fall personally and I want a simple ring not the mother of all rocks. I have simple taste and don't care to be the center of attention. Thats just me. Only thing that I want to be top notch is the photographer. I want to nice pics of the thing to remember it by and to hang up. A mix of color pics and black and white photos. I really like b&w pics.

Also I think it pisses John off because I have not written off marriage and a husband. I think he thinks that no one will love him in that way. Rach says that she does not think she will be married either but I think deep down she wants to find a great guy and has not written it off since she has a place she has picked out for her reception and knows what kind of dress she wants. I just don't believe in throwing in the towel until they shut the lid on my plus size coffin and I'm six feet under. I mean why would you? It might not be the mainstream thing of married in your early 20s/30s with 2.5 kids and a house in the suburbs but who cares as long as you are happy and all that warm cheery stuff.

I'm personally looking for a crazy guy that is himself not matter what, that loves doing whatever we like doing and doesn't give a flying frak whatever everyone else thinks and who will put up with my odd interest in all kinds of stuff and likes dogs lol. (Must love Dogs LOL) Doesn't give a crap what mine or his family thinks and can think for himself when it comes to ignoring them and others over what he and I want to do in life and all the everyday life stuff. Someone that can blow up at me and I can blow up with him and then we can shrug it off later after cooling off. Face all the shit that life can throw at a person and not let it blow him down. Someone that keeps getting up and brushing himself and me off and keep going. I'm just looking for that random Nerd that completes my geek lol.

Is that to much to look for in a guy? lol I dunno but it is ever changing since life is ever changing.

Just my thoughts on this. Its is late and my brain is just blah-blah-blahing right now. Just thinking out loud this week, ^_^

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm such a quotewhore :D
"It takes courage to say you still believe in fairytales. It takes faith to hope for something impossible. It takes passion and imagination to break free from reality. And it takes love to live happily in a world that’s absolutely against you."
"When someone gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show that someone a thousand reasons to smile."
"Don't look for the one that kisses your ass, look for the one that pushes your buttons & pisses you off on a daily basis, love's not supposed to be easy, it's just supposed to be worth it"
"Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia" is the fear of long words.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sandman and other evolving ideas - Story WIP

Revisiting my ideas involving the "Dream Dragon/Night-Terror" story (The one about Baarup) I've been thinking over the evil back history of these creature and the people out to control them.

Here is my idea for the evil sect that use to use them in horrible ways. Some of the foot soldiers for the sect, the really feared ones are called Sandmen (Sandman). They are the Dark Scribes, the Blood Scribes of the sect. They and their muscle of thugs capture people focusing on children and women but taking any and all people to fulfill their needs. The bring them back to their garrisons.

There they place them in cells surrounding the clutches of eggs where a horrible smelling incense is burning. It burns the eyes and fogs the mind. There families are torn apart and put in separate cells. Out of reach of each other but within sight of each other. Here is where the Scribes get to work. When the prisoners are over come by the incense the scribes use ashes from the incense, they blow it into the prisoners faces where almost immediately they are raked by horrible seizures and screams of unimaginable fear. Using a knife to cut the person, they gather the trickling blood using it to write on their vellum only the Shaper (Their Creator) knows what. These vellum are cursed things that are later passed to the blind Elders of the sect that sit in the poisoned incense and chants from the scrolls in a tongue not heard this side of life. Then the scrolls are burned in the incense pyres. These ashes are mixed with some of the hatched egg shell from the Night-Terrors to make the powder they blow in the face of the prisoners.

All this deforms and molds the unhatched dracs into monsters, horrible creatures that the Sect uses to further its iron stranglehold of the lands.

The Sandman are dark cloaked people donning mask of monsters and viscous animals. On their backs they carry large messenger tubes that house the scrolls of cursed vellum. Of the few that have lived to tell the tale of their escape they still have dreams of the rasping sound of the Blood Scribes breathing through their horrible mask and the smell of chard blood and ash.

Just some ideas for the history of the Sect (better name might be coming in the future lol). $0.02 welcome.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Week 59 (+31) Last couple of weeks could have been a bit better

-The number corresponding to the last minute in a given hour, and the last second in a given minute.
-The number on a button commonly worn by feminist activists in the 1970s; this was based on the claim that a woman earned 59 cents to an equally qualified man's dollar.

So This last year or so I've been a slacker in posting. Lazy yeah but also kinda busy with other things. Still wish I was more consistent like I use to be.

So I missed getting my annual blood draw due to the preceding appointment running long and so when I checked the lab they had closed for the day. Been trying to get back in and have yet to have much time. Oy... Later that week dad told me that Tortaro looked like he had a chunk bitten out of his backside when he saw him outside my parent's place. I asked Paul to round him up (since he is the fastest) and bring him on over here so I could get a look at it. He did and when I got a look at it I knew he needed to get in to a vet ASAP.

Pic of his wound after Paul brought him over for me to get a look at.
title or description

Tried our regular vet and they where working on a dog so they could not take him that day so we had to take him to one up on the East side that they recommended. We go there and after all the regular waiting and talking to the techs and the on call vet we ended up paying $215 to get him stabilized and cleaned up a lil bit. Took home some pain killers and antibiotics and a cone. He seemed okay pain wise and in every other aspect except for the massive wound on his backside, that the vet had informed us it looked infected. They wanted us to come back that Monday or hit up our regular vet. So that Monday bright and early we rounded up Tortaro which has been staying with us and stopped by the other vet since they had handled him already. Got there and they had a look at him and said that he was healing so well on his own that they wanted us to just keep and eye on him and his wound to see if it would heal together and scab over without the surgery to pull his wound together and sew it shut.

Some of the pics of his wound healing together.
title or description
title or description

Another one later one. Don't know why it is so small of a pic. >.>
title or description

Right now it is only a bumpy healed area with a sliver of a cut left to heal with fur growing over most of the old wounded area. I'm so glad.

...I've yet to get back into the doctor to do the blood draw... Oy.

Found a ton of new music and books in the last few weeks. Really diggin' Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons. Heard it on the radio and just loved it. Will have to listen to some of their other stuff and see if I like as well. Also looking into "Dropkick Murphys". They sound better then "Flogging Molly" but not quiet as good as "Enter the Haggis" so who knows. Also heard the new-ish The Ballad Of Mona Lisa by "Panic! At The Disco" and
Help is on the way by "Rise against". I have not really been listening to a ton of mainstream bands much other then the ones I fallow like "Linkin Park" so if these have been out for awhile oh well. lol.

Been spending much more time digging through the alt or indie stuff thx in large part to people at FA posting songs.

Also looking forward to getting my new cell phone and that it is going to be a Android smart phone! :D John got me hooked to Android phones by letting me play with his. I love all the fun and useful aps. Like Shazam that listens to a song that is play on the radio and can tell you the name of the song and band! Helped me tell John what the Panic! At the Disco one was among others. I really like this app. Also I'm kinda addicted to FourSquare so that will be fun to have a phone that can use it. Also gotta love the Google Maps GPS feature! It was such a life saver on the road trip this last year. Also for someone like John that could get lost in a paper bag it really helps. Just click the mic icon and say "Navigate to..." wherever you are going and it will direct you there even with voice directions and will also re-route when you need to go out of the way from its directions like if there is traffic. I also found a app called
doubleTwist that will let me transfer my songs from iTunes to the Android phone! So I won't have to carry both my iPod and my Android phone! Also the camera is better then the one on my old phone and is great since I don't like to lug around my expensive big digital SLR camera with me in my day to day errands. I love this camera app that John found called
Vignette. It allows you to do a ton on the fly pictures changes/visual effects (my fav is toy camera in B&W with a square border). Do I sound like enough of a ad for Android phones yet? LOL! Anyway I'm excited.

Also just saw Rach off for her spring break a-capella trip. Also tried my hand at french braiding her hair for her. Was not to bad, for a first time. Oy, need another hand when doing that. lol.

Anyway school is winding down around here and summer means the road trip so I'll still be busy.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

what do you think happen at the end of the movie "Inception"? Did the top fall or did it spin on?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ever notice there is a West, East and use to be a South High but there is no North High. Odd.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Taken from OMGfacts: Dating advice from @JennyMcCarthy: “just fart right away” <--- LOL

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tortaro (our cat) dislikes the cone and meds but other then the gruesome wound one his back side he is doing fine for now. Back to the vet Monday for a surgery and more 'fun'. D:

Friday, March 25, 2011

Yay! Lunch at a new place. Hope it is as nummy as it looks.
Hate getting out the door and started late. D:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Week 58 (+29) I love trees I really do, I just love imagination in the palm of my hand more.


-The number 58 was commonly associated with misfortune in many civilizations native to either Central America or Southern America. Due to their beliefs in the original 58 sins, the number came to symbolize curses and ill-luck. Aztec oracles supposedly stumbled across the number an unnaturally high number of times before disaster fell. One famous recording of this, though largely discredited as mere folktale, concerned the oracle of Moctezuma II, who allegedly counted 58 pieces of gold scattered before a sacrificial pit the day prior to the arrival of Hernan Cortés.

You know you have a love of books when you start piling them up before you even got to the end of the one you are currently reading and that is just the tip of the list (long long list).

As of late many of the books I've been looking into I've found via the "Fantasy Book Critic" blog on Blogger. Very cool site and great reviews.

Just wanted to share my list here. lol. Not only because I think they are neat books but because I always seem to be loosing my lists.


-The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

-The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
-Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
-Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins


Stephen King:
-Under the Dome: A Novel by Stephen King

Max Brooks (Zombie books)
-World War Z : An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks
-The Zombie Survival Guide : Complete Protection from the Living Dead -

by Max Brooks

-Blacksad vol. 1, 3

-Maus vol. 1-2

Hellboy volumes:
-6. Hellboy: Strange Places (April 2006)
-7. Hellboy: The Troll Witch and Others (November 2007)
-8. Hellboy: Darkness Calls (May 2008)
-9. Hellboy: Wild Hunt (March 2010) *YAY!*
-10. Hellboy: The Crooked Man and Others (June 2010) *wimper*

Sword of Truth:

-Wizard's First Rule (book 1) XX-got-XX
-Stone of Tears (book 2) XX-got-XX
-Blood of the Fold (book 3) XX-got-XX
-Temple of the Winds (book 4)
-Soul of the Fire (book 5)
-Faith of the Fallen (book 6)
-The Pillars of Creation (book 7)
-Naked Empire (book 8)
-Chainfire (book 9)
-Phantom (book 10)
-Confessor (book 11)

Dresden Files:

-Death Masks (book 5)
-Blood Rites (book 6)
-Dead Beat (book 7)
-Proven Guilty (book 8)
-White Night (book 9)
-Small Favor (book 10)
-Turn Coat (book 11)
-Changes 2010 April 6 (<-- hard cover release date PB TBA)
-Side Jobs 2010 November 11 (<-- hard cover release date PB TBA)

-"Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex" by Mary Roach xxgotxx
-"River of Gods" by Ian McDonald
-"The Shack" by William P. Young

Emily Gee
-Thief With No Shadow
-The Laurentine Spy
-The Sentinel Mage (Feb. 2011)

-Blue and Gold by K. J. Parker

-Empire in Black and Gold (Shadows of the Apt 1) by Adrian Tchaikovsky

(there are 5 or 6 books in the series)

-Havemercy by Jaida Jones & Danielle Bennett

-The Magicians is a fantasy novel by Lev Grossman

-Feed (2002) is a dystopian novel of the cyberpunk genre by M. T.

(Matthew Tobin) Anderson

-Among Thieves by Douglas Hulick (TBA April 1st '11)

-Sea of Ghosts by Alan Campbell
-Scar Night (The Deepgate Codex book 1) by Alan Campbell (~maybe)
-Iron Angel (The Deepgate Codex book 2) by Alan Campbell (~maybe)
-God of Clocks (The Deepgate Codex book 3) by Alan Campbell (~maybe)

-What Time Forgets: The Daughters of Ard Creggan by K. E. Redmond

-A Devil in the Details by K.A. Stewart

-Malazan Book of the Fallen Series (1-10) by Steven Erikson

-Dante's Journey by JC Marino

Great sounding books from looking on Amazon (UK)
-Tome of the Undergates by Sam Sykes
-Black Halo (Aeons Gate 2) (second book) by Sam Sykes (TBA)

-The Left Hand of God by Paul Hoffman
-The Last Four Things (book 2) by Paul Hoffman (TBA)

-Shadows's Son by Jon Sprunk
-Shadow's Lure (Shadow 2) (book 2) by Jon Sprunk (TBA)

-Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence (TBA)

-Wolfsangel by M.D. Lachlan
"The Viking King Authun leads his men on a raid against an Anglo-Saxon village. Men and women are killed indiscriminately but Authun demands that no child be touched. He is acting on prophecy. A prophecy that tells him that the Saxons have stolen a child from the Gods. If Authun, in turn, takes the child and raises him as an heir, the child will lead his people to glory. But Authun discovers not one child, but twin baby boys. Ensuring that his faithful warriors, witnesses to what has happened, die during the raid Authun takes the children and their mother home, back to the witches who live on the troll wall. And he places his destiny in their hands. And so begins a stunning multi-volume fantasy epic that will take a werewolf from his beginnings as the heir to a brutal Viking king, down through the ages. It is a journey that will see him hunt for his lost love through centuries and lives, and see the endless battle between the wolf, Odin and Loki - the eternal trickster - spill over into countless bloody conflicts from our history, and over into our lives. This is the myth of the werewolf as it has never been told before and marks the beginning of an extraordinary new fantasy series from Gollancz." *drools* Sounds like a awesome book! :D
-Fenrir by M.D. Lachlan (TBA)

-Nights of Villjamur (Legends of the Red Sun) by Mark Charan Newton
-City of Ruin (Legends of the Red Sun 2) by Mark Charan Newton
-The Book of Transformations (Red Sun by Mark Charan Newton (TBA)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Taken from OMGfacts: 1 study found the 2 most important factors for marriage compatibility were religion and similarity of drinking habits.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ugh my package was dropped off at my parents place and no one is home and John has the car today >.<

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I may be nuts but I'm looking forward to a free days to get errands done on.
"It takes both sunshine and rain to make a rainbow." -Proverb
Taken from OMGfacts: There are more tigers in captivity in Texas than in the wild globally. <-- Very sad

Saturday, February 26, 2011

"When odds are one in a million, be that one!" ~ Anonymous

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feel like death. I hate being sick... again. D:

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The soft and steady fall of snowflakes this morning.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Took a drink of water & did not notice the soap after taste until already swallowing. Tummy now REALLY hurts! Ugh...

Monday, February 14, 2011

I commiserate all the pessimistic people out there always seeing the downside and bad crap link to everything in life.
Happy Saint Valentine's Day/Singles Awareness Day :D

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Already sleepy -.-

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Week 56 (+23) In planning mode


-The number of Aubrey Holes (thought to have located wooden posts) in the first stage of Stonehenge.
-The number of men who signed the United States Declaration of Independence in 1776.

So I have been sick this past few days with it only hitting me the other night. I wondered why I felt weak and odd and it had me worried until all the rest of the normal start up signs of being sick hit me. Not fun. I spent the last night chilling and wrapped in a electric heated blanket watching crap TV until I felt tired enough to sleep. This morning I have mucus running down my throat and a lil hint of a cough every now and again. I always seem to be the one that holds out the longest in the family when sick. Then it hits me with 20 double barrow shot guns all at once. This time it is not that bad YET.

I've been working on a few projects and even got one that I'd been mulling over for a while done with. It was a sew project that I had been tinkering with in my head.

New music that discovered in the last lil bit:

This song is brought to you by a bored Rach. It is OAH by Alexander Rybak He is the 2009 Eurovision winner and a Norwegian musision.

I also like this song by Rybak.
Europe's Skies - Alexander Rybak

His music has a folk/gypsy/pop feel to them IMHO. To bad that his CD has to be imported at a cost of $30+ bucks.

Zircon - The Art of Zen

Found this one through FA. Tons of good music is link through the artist on FA. There is another one that I've been listening to on the laptop but I can't recall what it is or who it is by so that will have to be posted later.

Now onto the planning in the Planning post.

So the destination for Sibling Road Trip XI is going to be Oregon! The major things we are hitting up are Wildlife Safari and the beach! Sadly I was planning to try and make this trip shorter then the last one but ended up making it much longer. Two days there with a stop (when I say stop I mean for the night) in Winnemucca, Navada (5 hours) and another in Klamath Falls, Oregon (10 hours >.<) and then onto our vacation destination of Winston (3.5 hours) with two days for fun there. Then the inverse of it on the way home. Six days round trip. I tried so many ways to get the second leg of the journey cut down but I just could not find a place to stop and stay at. It looks like the place leaving Winnemucca is rather desolate until you cross the boarder into Oregon.

So now the grit of planning minus the money and hotel/motel stops that John and I have already worked out. Wildlife Safari is like a MASSIVE Bear County USA that we hit up in South Dakota. Bear County was a huge hit with everyone even more then I planned. I thought that all the other sibs would just kinda like it and I was going to be the only one that really, really liked it (I can't say looked forward to it as it was a surprise major side trip while in SD). But no it was a massive hit with them. Wildlife Safari is bigger and has not just North American wide life but African and Asian wildlife as well. After I looked it up and read their website about it and told Rach and John about it Rach was giddy as hell about it! A couple extras that we are also going to spring for while we are there is the elephant car was and the tiny train ride (kinda like they have at zoos). Rachel is extremely excited about the car wash that is to quote from their site "Guaranteed not to get your car clean!!!!!"

title or description

Did I mention that you get to stay in your car while they do it? John said about the extra cost of the wash "might as well since we are going to be there". It cost only about $10 bucks more then Bear County USA sans the elephant car wash and the mini train ($2 per person). (I kinda want one of the paintings that the cheetahs paint as my souvenir.)

Then either that day or the next the beach! I have a kinda stupid but fun idea for that. While we are having fun doing all the beach stuff they can gather up a lil bit of sand and put it in some small glass viles/jars I'm going to be picking up off of Etsy and bring it home as a memento of the trip and the day at the beach.

title or description

Been thinking if I want to bring food coloring as well so they could color it if they want in the hotel room later that day but the mess seem like a bad idea and I think the bottles with the sand alone will be cute enough. (Oy I feel like a half baked crafty soccer mom sometimes lol) I think that I should look up some sand castle buckets/kits and see if I could buy one cheep for the beach as well.

Anyway that is it for tonight.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Wrapped in heated blanket & still rather cold. I knew something was off when I felt weak & off today. Guess its my turn to be sick. D:

Friday, January 21, 2011

Here comes another yippy-yippy YAY!
Waitin' on a train, waitin' on a train la la la...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Yay waiting on a train...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Found it!

I tend to like watching some craft segments/shows that come on... sometimes. Many times they have HORRIBLE ideas that are just vapid crap but every once in a while they have neat or interesting ideas.

I saw this one on the Katie Brown Work Shop that comes on ch. 11-3 Create.

Direct Transfer Memoires


Stack of black and white photocopies
Clear packing tape
Baking dish large enough to fit the photocopies in, filled with water
Polymer Acrylic Medium
Thin craft wood
Hinged metal ring


Hole puncher
Foam brush

Getting Started

1. Cover the black and white photocopies with the packing tape photo, overlapping the strips of tape as you go. Trip the excess tape.
2. Soak the paper in the water, rubbing the back of the paper until there is no more paper on the tape and the image has been transferred. Dry the tape photo.
3. Measure and cut the wood to whatever size you want your album to be. Using a dry foam brush cover the wood in a generous and even layer of medium. Lay the photocopy face down onto the wood.
4. Beginning at the middle of the board, use your fingers to work out any excess medium or air bubbles. Allow to dry.
5. Punch a hole in the top corner of the wood and attack the metal ring; this is so that you can keep all your wood photographs together.

Hints & Clues

For black and white photocopy family photographs, the fresher the copy, and the higher the contrast the better the end result.

For extra pop and durability, add another layer of medium to the top. The imperfection of the transferred image is part of its appeal and character.

If you want to have titles for your images scan in the photographs and add type.

New (forgotten?) music and art

Old classmate posted a song from OneRepublic on FB to his girlfriend and after giving it a listen and loving it I wiki-ed and youtubed them and after coming across the song below I knew I had heard them before!

All The Right Moves - OneRepublic

^The music video for this song is great! It reminds me of something Abney Park might do. Very dirty Victorian and oh so addictive!

Anyway I was trying to recall where I have heard it before and I think that is was on x96, maybe the deep x-cuts they do with new bands and songs or such. Most the time when I hear a good song/band that I do not know I try and catch the name or some of the lyrics and jot them down to look up and I think that is what I did with this one but I lost the paper before I looked it up online. I HATE when that happens and I miss out on something as cool as this band. But HA-HA I now have them! MINE!

Another band that I found through the always funny Dooce is Animal collective. She posted the song "my Girls" for the background music on her end of the year clip review.

My Girls - Animal Collective

Defiantly worth a deeper look and listen.

I might have just almost smashed the CD/band goal for '11. LOL love feeling less guilty and free going off the mainstream circuit for awesome groups and great music.

Also was toying with and idea for the short story for this year. I was thinking of revisiting the idea of the man behind the myth of King Arthur. I like the idea that "The Bear" is the main man behind the myth. I kinda want to do a exploration of the making of "The Bear". How he got the man and a bit of 'his' back story, or should I say that is what I want to make up. I was trying to think of what would you call it. It is not a true historical fiction as there is more fiction then history and there is nothing similar like mythical fiction it would just be fiction. lol yeah I'm an odd one.

The way it is forming up in my head right now is that he is sitting around a fire at night with many of the young people from his tribe and a few of his warriors after a hard day of training and hunting in the field when a youth asks him about ...oh say a scar, or how he became known as "The Bear" and start in with that being the true story. I also wanted to think that the way he became known as "The Bear" was from saving his own group of youth in training from a menacing legend of a bear while they where alone training in the wilds.

This idea kinda meshed and sprouted from the training that the Spartan youth went through out there alone as young boys/teens. I also think that the Arthur idea came from watching the movie "The Last Legion" where they took the idea that King Arthur sprang from Roman roots and a Roman Legionary. I hate that they think he had to be a non-home grown hero and myth.

So anyway the idea is there and it just needs to have time to grow from the sprouts.

Also I have been making over the walls of my space from dorm room 'chic' to something a lil more mature. I have pics but not on my computer. :/

Week 55 (+21) SCORPIO FOREVER!


-Restaurant slang for root beer.

Astronomer Parke Kunkle says that due to changes in the Earth's alignment the dates of many zodiac signs have changed, according to NBC. In addition, there may be a 13th Zodiac sign: Ophiuchus.

Kunkle says that as the Earth and Sun slowly move the signs gradually change, as expected.

The change didn't happen over night either. The 12 signs were designated to different periods of the year almost 3,000 years ago, when astrology began, and since then the Earth's position in relation to the sun has changed.

While the sign many people were born under may now be different, it shouldn't affect horoscope readings, according to NBC.

See if your Zodiac sign has changed below.

The New Dates:

Capricorn: Jan. 20 - Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16 - March 11
Pisces: March 11- April 18
Aries: April 18 - May 13
Taurus: May 13 - June 21
Gemini: June 21 - July 20
Cancer: July 20 - Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10 - Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16 - Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30 - Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23 - Nov. 29
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 - Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17 - Jan. 20

Scorpio: Nov. 23 - Nov. 29 = only 6 days it is a conspiracy against us Scorpios!

FRAK YOU MAN SCORPIO FOREVER! (I really dunno why this bugs me so much O.o but it does.) I am so a Scorpio and not a Libra. Who is this Parke Kunkle and what does he think he is to mess with everyone's signs. I think that blogosphere has spoken!

Anyway this guy below is right!

^I was thinking this same thing. The heavens have had one Hell of a decade.

^I'm going with this. Suck it Parke Kunkle! Even if fools get screwed ober from '09 forward I'm a '80s baby. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

(Yes I'm nuts thanls for asking!)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Finishing up a project and watching a show about MoTab on the road. Love their singing!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Morning people!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tried to tell John where something was in the other room. He could not find it. I keep forgetting he would not be able to find his head if it was not attached to his neck. Oy.
Tried to tell John where something was in the other room. He could not find it. I keep forgetting he would not be able to find his head if it was not attached to his neck. Oy.