Monday, August 8, 2011

Week 63 (+45) Been a while again


-Sixty-three is Ascii for question mark: '?'
-The number of chromosomes found in the offspring of a donkey and a horse.

Been a large handful of days since I've been back to update or anything on my LJ.

Had to change the sibling road trip (SRT) for this year. /sadpanda Instead of Oregon and the beach and the Wildlife park it is going to be Bear Lake with swimming and a cookout and smores. Also a couple friends on FB suggested Minnitonka Caves. Sounds fun and I think that Paul 'n Rach will like it. I know that we are all excited for Bear Lake later this month.

But mark my word we will make it to the Oregon trip this next year or sometime in the near future. It will happen! lol. Sounds to fun to skip and was planned out and all things it was green light and good to go. Only problem was that we could not get all four of our free days to line up for it thanks to John's section head yanking his vacations days. >.> Arse...

Other then that its just been the norm with School prep, work adult crap and life in general.

I've also been really excited for Craig and his new life adventures. Dropped him a house warming gift and I have another planned. I think it is a very exciting time in his life right now even with it being hectic.

Anyway while out and running errands I was listening to Pandora on my Droid phone and found a shit-ton of new bands that are awesome that I want to explore some more!

All these bands have that awesome Celtic folk/rock sound to them that I love in the band "Enter The Haggis" (ETH). Honestly I'm still on the fence about Flogging Molly. I grabbed a CD of theirs' after hearing a song on x96 and was kinda disappointed by it compared to ETH. I mean I love Scot-Irish traditional music like bagpipes, drums and flutes and I love celtic-alt/rock but their music just did not seem to click with me. I've tried letting it grow on me like I have had to with other CDs, even CDs from my fav bands. No such luck. :/ Oh well some of their songs are good.

Bands from the Dropkick Murphy station:
-Dropkick Murphy (yes I need to still look into them)
-Blaggards (kinda like Celtic-rock with sea shanties really neat)
-The Pogues
-The Real McKenzies
-The Tossers (I'll have to double check if this is the same group)
-The Young Dubliners
-The Briggs
-Gaelic Storm (They are the same band that was the 3rd class band in Titanic)
-Great Big Sea
-The Bollox

I really should use Pandora more often. I mean it has been how long since Craig told me about it? more then 3 years I think. I dunno but a long time and John uses it ALL THE TIME... In the car while running around. Want to listen to one of the many CDS in the car? Nope Pandora. lol.

By the way my Pandora username is my hotmail right now but if I can I'll change it to my gmail. Just if you are interested in my channels. *shrugs*

Anyway just a tiny update and more rantage then update. Oh well.

laters my interweb peeps

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