Friday, November 26, 2010

Waking up to a real bird flying around your room is odd 'n kinda funny.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 50 (+17)I have been MIA or AFK for ANOTHER 4 weeks


-Area 51, a parcel of U.S. military-controlled land in southern Nevada, apparently containing a secret aircraft testing facility.
-The New General Catalogue object NGC 51, a spiral galaxy in the constellation Andromeda.

Been a month since I last posted and it seems like I've been to busy to get around to posting. Or maybe I just didn't make time for it. Eeh well I'm posting now. lol

So I woke up to this when I looked out my window this morning.

I should not be surprised as it was suppose to start snowing on Friday and also snow Saturday which it finally did late that night.

I like snow I really do but, I hate the ice that comes with it. I also hate driving in it and sliding on the roads in it and the wet shoes, socks and pant cuffs. I love to watch it fall and see everything in a clean, white undisturbed sheet. I love to watch animals and kids play in it. I also love that time of year.

Christmas has been one holiday that I always look forward to. My family has never had much and each year it seems less and less for the holidays but it is just a great time of year like something joyous is in the air. I also love buying presents for other people. :D ...I dread getting presents though. I really dislike faking pleasure over them. I know most of the people around me can't get me what I really like and I don't expect them to but I don't want to be cruel and hurtful at the same time.

I also turned 26 this last Friday. I was thinking about grabbing a pic each year on my birthday and so I shot a few and some of the funny ones for that project happened on Saturday and I just love them.

I present you Jessica at 26.

Speaking of Friday I was sad to learn that Linkin Park was coming to Salt Lake (IE less then a miles from my apartment) and tickets went on sale that day and I am broke until later this week. Grrrrrrr Being broke means I'm also celebrating my birthday in a belated manor this coming week. And since I don't want to push John's cooking skills I am going to go a none cooking birthday meal. I'm thinking a pudding pie and a long sub with some finger food sides. Something fun that we cane change here and there to suit our different taste but have the same meal and we can also take it over to watch movies while we munch.

I'm kinda excited because I can pick up three CDs I've been looking forward to. The new ones from Linkin Park and Abney Park and also the Original Sound Track for the Lord of the Rings on Stage (Musical LOTRs)!

There are other things but I really can't recall them.

Other then hitting Ikea up almost each check to pick up some things here and there to slowly organize and change how our place looks and feels and how we can use and enjoy it.

Sadly the Ikea thing is very fun for me and makes me excited to do. lol

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sleep killing snoring... Earplugs?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm not mad/upset just because I'm not smiling. Though it doesn't mean I'm happy either. I just don't smile all the time like I did as a kid. :-/ hmm

Friday, November 5, 2010

Fixing a belatted b-day dinner for John :D

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

JOHN STAY OUT OF THIS POST!!! B-day planning post

^ Like I said John stay out on threat of a ruined birthday surprise!

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Okay John's birthday is Thursday of this week and since payday is after his b-day all of this is going to be late but as he already knows that matters very lil. I think he is going to really love this idea anyway.

I was thinking over what I could and should get him for his b-day present. I don't recall when this idea formed exactly but I know it started with a very simple idea.

The first thing that popped into my head was to make him a simple Android™ stencil t-shirt.

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As you can see the mascot is simple and very cute/cool.

(Yes I know I might be running this stenciling of t-shirts into the ground for some but I really like it! If you are plus size you know how limited it can be to get cool designed shirts and so this only limits what you have on a shirt by your imagination and or skill, and as we know practice makes perfect. ;D Plus this way you can always get what you want in the color you want. win-win)

But as I was mulling this over I had this funny idea pop into my head. What if I added the Companion Cube from the very funny game Portal and have them be in love. <3>title or description

This is the raw stencil that I'm going to be printing and cutting out so the color is not final and all that will be changed when I put it on the shirt front. (...what color I want the t-shirt I have yet to finalize.)

BUT then I had another idea. What if on the center high on the back (kinda between the shoulder blades area) if I put what I might imagine the offspring of the Android and the Companion Cube *might* look like. LOL! The very idea cracks me up! So back to the web and tons for searches I found a 'evil' looking Droid mock up someone did and modding it heavily with the original and another Companion Cube stencil I came up with a very VERY rough mock up for the bastard offspring of them both.

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The arrows on the face are from my modding and reminders for myself and won't be there and the color and such are going to be modded when I cut and paint it.

So here is my crazy idea. I have some big doubts about the second one for the back but I love the first one and know it will work out fine even it is goes it alone without the back one.