Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Yeah errands with the chance of having the two books I ordered coming in the mail. Oh I hope I hope I hope so! ^_^

Monday, September 28, 2009

"The best fairy tales always have so much darkness in them. That's why they resonate so deeply."

Friday, September 25, 2009

"Therefore be silent, and keep your forked tongue behind your teeth." -Gandalf the White

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hate is such a sneaky poison.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Being the last one in your family to get the cold going around sucks. Oh well OJ and a book and I'm good to go.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sometimes you have to walk through Hell to reach the light. Dante knew this we should as well. Light though is never far away.

Throwing stones

One thing that I do not get is the bickering and hate between Christians at other Christians and for that matter hate between people of all faiths.

Does any faith not teach love of our fellow man (and woman) and tolerance? I may be ignorant of the minute detail of other faiths and belief systems but from what I've learned through study and school in other faiths I believe that most do.

So for example how can you say that you are Christian when you are out protesting other peoples faiths?

One thing that boils my blood and brings out the hypocritical hate in me is seeing people downtown on LDS conference weekend yelling slurs and having signs of hate filled propaganda bothering the people that are attending this meeting in person.

Even when I ad my few years of falling out with the church when I cursed it in my heart this act of open hate made me furious. I wanted to jump out of my car and go at them with a bat cracking skulls are yelling hate at them. I just could not stand to see them spit their venom at people doing nothing but coming together in their chosen faith to worship and spread messages of love and help.

Most of these signs spread messages of Mormons being un-Christian well what does their act say about them and their church when they do these hate filled acts?

This is hate eating all of the people involved with this kind of crap from the inside out. What a shame that the only person walking within their heart on those days is not the Lord or Jesus but someone much darker and more tricky.

We all have hate and misunderstanding that we need to overcome but there is no way to do that or to promote brotherly love when this is the path you choose to do it by.

All faiths have truth in them and love and that is what we need to build on no matter what we believe. Not focus on the differences and hate that can linger in the voids between us.

What sparked this in my mind today was a leaflet for a band preforming in the park. I looked them up and saw that they are a Christian band which is cool by me. Though I thought formed in my head. What do other Mormons think of other Christian music and bands? Do they listen to them or avoid them for fear of the messages they send. I'd dare to bet that many do no know that several of the mainstream bands that they listen to started out as Christian music bands and first made it big on the Christian music circuit before they broke into the big time and more mainstream circles.

Groups like Switchfoot, Collective Soul, Creed, The Fray, Evanescence, MxPx. Two groups that I rather like but might not be as well known as the above are Relient K and FM Static.

On the other hand I know that there are several non-Mormon people that love and enjoy listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

Anyway you have some idea on my opinion but, what do you think?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Night my friends.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hate is losing a CD v2.0 and having your room eat it when you had it just days ago and now need it. >.<

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

And then it began to rain! Yay rain!
Today is looking up! And you know what? It is more then fine to be hated. Just don't hate in return.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Being hated is not the end.

Sometimes you have to be hated to make things better. I'm okay with that. Well I have to be okay with that. Lets just say that I'm willing to wait out the storm as it lashes at my front door.

I know that after the storm is gone and the clouds clear that the stars will still be there. I want to make sure all the people I care for also make it through the storm. That they know that even if you can't see the stars through the storm that they are always there and will still be there when it is all over.

Sometimes the storm is outside and sometimes the storm is within. Thought the storm and all the trouble and pain is causes are not ever lasting.

Jesus was hated. He did not hate in return. I'm not anyway close to being as forgiving and as wonderful as he is but, I know that I can try and fallow his path. Stumbling and falling along the way as I do.

At least I have great company along the way. More friends to rough out the storm with me.

When the tempest tosses them I can try and be their tether and when the storm beats me down they are my life preserver.

I'm not the perfect friend. I've never pretended to be. I'm not the greatest person, in fact I'm a slaggen lump of lard that looks as odd as they come. Though I know that I deserve a great chance at life and so do the great people that I've met on my way. I know and thank God every day for the wonderful people that have come in and out of my life along the path. I really wish that some people would not choose to exit from our shared path. And sometimes I try and seek out the people that can cut the ties that bind us as friends. Sometimes it works and fewer times it doesn't. They are still welcome to share the dusty road I tred.

I'm a stubborn jackass. I just don't take the hint when people tell me to scat. Why would I? I'd rather be around them at their worst and hear them curse the stars that ever twinkle over our heads then not hear them share their pain. A pain I can't stand to see them suffer. I really want to take that pain and remove it from them. Remove the black cancer that consumes the light and joy in their soul. I don't know if I can but I want to try. If I don't try when what good am I as a person? How could I call them friend?

Give me your hate. Let it spew forth like the darken rain clouds that bring the beating storm. Let it fill the merky night. Let it drift off into the ebony black and be burned away by the coming dawn.

I'll be here with a rope and a hand to help you back to dry land.

That is if you'll let me be a helping hand. A hand just as beaten and calloused as any other that has see better days and knows there are more bad ones still yet to come.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I had a big "DOH!" moment today. >.>
Got to love when cosmic wrenches are thrown into the machine of life.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Repo! The Genetic Opera" coming from Netflix, eating chex mix and soon hiting the sack. Not bad for a late night hunting ebay for project supplies.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

"The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." - Allan K. Chalmers
"A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your successes." - Doug Larson
"It's your ability to inspire and uplift other people that matters, not your ability to outdo them."
"Following the path of least resistance is what makes men and rivers crooked."
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it."
"Your conscious mind is very intelligent, and your unconscious mind is a hell of a lot smarter than you are" - Erikson H. Hilton
Power out. Fun.