Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Its that time of year again. Oi... lol

Just pasting my wall post from FB here 'cuz it says it all.

Just finished up all the lil details that *I* need to do for the SR this year and I'm not to surprised at the end product. I'm leaving the gas figures to John. As I was sitting here knee deep in mapquest, hotel addresses, room prices and dates, John who is on the couch playing WoW says that I'm great at this planing stuff and could do it for a living. Thx for saying so John but ummm no thx. It is as Ina said last time (or the time before I can't tell) my mother bird phase in the trip and doings. If I don't then it will never get done lol. Now just to wait for it to get close so I can go into panic mood and start doing the packing (or should I say bugging them to get packed) and entertainment and food ready. *sigh* more planing.

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