Monday, March 25, 2013

Interweb hopping and HP (spoilers if you have not read the books/watched the movies you nob you)

HP - Snape and DD - WTF indeed
So I came across this pic on Facebook several days back and it just struck home and at the same time made me laugh.


Then just now I came across this pic by Lily-Fox on Jen's awesome EPbot blog.

in_another_life__wake_up_by_lily_fox-d415rn1 (would go perfect with the snape friend zone pic)

The above picture made me think of the friend zone pic and how well they go together. I think Lil-Fox's "In Another Life" pic is sweet and lovely and a great piece of fan art and really pulls at the heart and shows what poor old Snape really wanted out of life. A simple life of love like most any of us do. Then a read the comment she posted about her other pic on DA that lead up to her doing this pic and my view of her POV was tarnish rather quickly.

"I'm sorry to disallow comments, but it got out of hand for me. Maybe 8% of them actually abided my "no discussion" request, and not all of them had anything to say about the drawing. I've heard enough about Harry Potter for pretty much the rest of my life. Thanks to everyone who commented thoughtfully!

Spoilers ahead, for all two of you who haven't finished the books.

Before the movies had come out, Kit and I would take turns reading chapters of the Harry Potter books aloud. Snape was my favorite from the start -- I think a lot of us saw that heartbreak coming a mile away. Sirius Black was Kit's favorite as soon as he showed up, and then Rowling killed him. Rowling lost my love when she made my sister cry.

By the sixth book, I had checked out. It felt like a shitty relationship at that point, with nothing but promises of more heartbreak. When the seventh book came out, I read it backwards from the last chapter. I didn't care. I was so angry at Rowling for killing off characters the way she did. I haven't seen the last few movies, and I won't. If I want to feel that bad, I'll just go snort some dijon mustard. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade -- I respect anybody's Potter love -- but I'm not inviting discussion here, just telling you where I stand.

I feel like Snape deserved better. I know so many writers who love to abuse their babies, to make them suffer. I don't know if they feel like it gives their character depth, but I think that's a stone crock. And yeah, I know life isn't fair, either. When life shits on good people, I find that a pretty cheap shot, too.

Lily Potter and Snape were both martyrs. You ought to have the love you deserve. If you can't have it in this life... maybe the next one."

Well first off you must not know how hard it is for a writer to kill off her characters and how it is essential to do in many stories. I H-A-T-E when characters I love and have grown to know are killed off in any media and story. I also hated when Black was killed off but come on her hun. It sucks that your lil sister cried but that just shows how amazing she is at writing and getting us to care for the characters she created. Speaking of killing off Black...

There is a artical quoting Rowling as how she cried after writing the chapter with Black's death. She was crying so hard that her husband asked her what was wrong. Sadly I can't Google up the artical I read from the Leaky Calderon year and year back but just look up. In fact let me to that for you.

Just pull up a quote from one site we find:
"Sorley Richardson for Publishing News - Why did you have to kill Sirius when it was the best thing that happened to Harry for years?

JK Rowling: We are back to me being a murderer, aren't we? People have asked me this a lot. I have been repeatedly told Sirius was my favourite character, why did he have to die? You can imagine how bad that makes me feel and in fact after I killed Sirius I went on the Internet and somehow stumbled across a fansite devoted entirely to Sirius and I killed him in the last 48 hours, so that wasn't good.

I think you will realise why he had to go in terms of plot when you read the seventh book. It wasn't arbitrary although part of the answer is the one I have given before. It is more satisfying I think for the reader if the hero has to go on alone and to give him too much support makes his job too easy, sorry."

Sadly sometimes it is in the best interest of the story for character to pass on from the tale. Lily-Fox seems to not grasp the meaning behind his and others deaths and thinks that it is just willy nilly take a weapon and begone with them. I mean she really thinks that the writer has no connection for his/her 'cannon fodder'. How tastefully ignorant of her. How can she think that she. her lil sister or any fan has more of a connection to the character then the writer that birthed the wonderful character and world into being?

In writing if no one died then many times there would be no story. Take away Harry's parent's death and we have no Arthurian quest, no coming of age tale. We could say there is no point to write about this world. I might be taking that to its extreme but it is a good example for this. Try and think of any book series that you love and has held you over many thick lovely books. Now how many that are adult or YA books don't have at least one death. I bet like so many they start off with a death that leads the protagonist out onto his/her journey and adventure.

Death in a book/movie what have you sucks but it brings out the emotion in you and helps push the character onwards. Many things are discovered in the death of a character for both you and the protagonist. Life lessons. And we can relate to what is going on. So many things are learned when that happens in a story. It is not a light choice for the writer and no they don't need to take better care of their creations because they are not being fed to the fire with no thought as to why and what is being lost. Ignorance in this girls post at her views has flamed up this post from me. I hate seeing characters die that I connect with (even though I am not a Snape lover like so many out there. It was sad to see him die though).

Here Lily-Fox and all you other similarly narrow minded people let me help point you in the direction of reading up more on why writers must at times lay a charater low.

Great work hun but grow up and mature a little before you say that a person is lax with their beloved characters.

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